Our Nutrition Education Manager, Mikayla Anthes, and Program Coordinator, Onelissa Martinez, have been at the Duke Energy Convention Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, this week for the 2018 National Farm to Cafeteria Conference!
This is the ninth biennial event hosted by the National Farm to School Network, convening a diverse group of food service professionals, farmers, educators, students, representatives from nonprofits and government agencies, public health professionals, and more.
It’s been three packed days of learning, networking, and movement building. And Onelissa spoke on a panel about equity in Farm to School!
Mikayla and Onelissa have been excited to share and learn with such a great group of people at the conference — and look forward to bringing back some new ideas and tactics to implement in our Rhode Island Farm to School programming. For example:
- Improving our work and relationships with food service directors and cafeteria staff in schools
- Enhancing how we collect data from stakeholders
- Leveraging what we learned about buliding racial equity in farm to school
- And so much more!
Not familiar with RI Farm to School? Learn more!