Don’t miss these items in local food and agriculture news from around our region:
Guide to the 2018 Farm Bill Conference Process
As we barrel toward the expiration of the 2014 Farm Bill on September 30, both the House and Senate have now passed their respective versions of what they hope will become the next farm bill. The House passed its version on June 21 by a narrow and strictly partisan margin of 213-211. The Senate passed its version on June 28 by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 86-11.On many key issues related to food and agriculture, the House bill fails where the Senate bill succeeds. This is true for conservation, nutrition and food access, beginning farmers and farmers of color, local and regional food systems, value-added agriculture, rural development, and renewable energy, as well as when it comes to stemming consolidation and economic concentration in farm country.
On Wednesday, July 18, the House voted to form a farm bill Conference Committee, officially kicking off the process of negotiating the two bills. The Senate is expected to take action next week, and then the conference can officially begin. Each member of the Conference Committee will have some influence over what goes into the final farm bill; however, the main drivers of the negotiations will be the chairs and ranking members of the Agriculture Committees.
Learn more & stay tuned to NSAC’s blog for updates.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018, by Josh Rhoades on GoProvidence
Monday, July 30, we will be hosting our very first pop-up mystery dinner in Rhode Island. This event is perfect for more adventurous eaters looking for a new way to dine and network. Staff from the following will either join us for dinner or have agreed to support us in various ways: GoProvidence, Rhode Island Monthly, Hope & Main, Narragansett Brewing Company, Radical Roots Farm, White Barn Farm, Dave’s Coffee, and Farm Fresh Rhode Island.Our first event will take place at the newly opened Greek restaurant, Yoleni’s in downtown Providence, on July 30, starting at 6 p.m. The event series travels to different restaurants to highlight their culinary team in a new fun way. Adventurous guests enter the evening without knowing what will be on the menu and are encouraged to experiment with their food, amidst a family-style dining atmosphere.
The event series seeks to push culinary boundaries, make connections between chefs, farmers and consumers, promote sustainability in food systems, and elevate cities through donations and strategic projects. $10 from each ticket sold will be donated to the Rhode Island Community Food Bank.