Since its start in 2007, our wintertime farmers market has been pivotal for farmer and food producer sales and community food access in the colder New England months. With the closure of many other winter markets for the 2020-2021 season due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our team works hard to make possible the vision for opening our new building and famers market, having to adjust dozens of times in order to ensure the safest possible market for the season.
When our doors open November 7, our team (only allowing a limited number of people inside at one time) watches as shoppers enter and safely walk through our brand new hallways. We can’t help but feel a sense of pride at the sight we had only been able to imagine for so long. The community we work so hard to keep together is there in our space, adhering to the strange new rules we have to enforce, and connecting to the vendors many have come to love over the years.
With the help of our shoppers, farmers, food makers, staff and volunteers, we are excited to open our marketplace for locally grown food — the Farm Fresh Providence Farmers Market.