June 3, 2022 USDA Under Sec. Moffit, Gov. McKee, DEM Announce $474,500 in Local Food Purchase Agreement for Local Farmers Providence, RI — The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) announces that U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Lester Moffitt will join Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee, mem … Hope's Harvest, In The News, Market Mobile March 11, 2022 Farm Fresh RI, DEM, Office of Healthy Aging Team Up to Make Nearly 13,000 Food Boxes Available to Eligible Seniors in 2022 PROVIDENCE — The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Division of Agriculture has upgraded its Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) bulk purchase pilot program to provide an estimated 12,800 boxes of fresh Rhode Island food to … In The News, Market Mobile May 11, 2021 Public Invited to Watch Renowned Stone Carver Create Unique Art at Farm Fresh You are invited to watch renowned stone carver Nicholas Benson create a unique art installation for our new headquarters in Providence. This public event will take place Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 20-22, from 11am to 1pm each day on the Farm Fresh terrace. On Saturday, May 22, the event will coincide with Farm Fresh’s year-round farmers market, Sims Market, which runs 9am to 1pm weekly. 10 Sims Ave, Farmers Markets, In The News January 7, 2021 Feeding Our Community in Need With the recent development of the “Farm to Food Pantry” grant, 28 different local organizations and food pantries partnered to purchase locally grown food for those most vulnerable in our community through Market Mobile! We are thankful to the generous funders for making this possible: The Rhode Island Community Food Bank, The Providence Healthy Communities Office, The Rhode Island Foundation, and The Amica Companies Foundation. In The News, Market Mobile August 15, 2020 Food Hub Construction Update — July This Farm Fresh RI construction update covers work from February through May — and is dedicated as a tribute to the extraordinarily hard-working individuals who showed up day in, day out to help advance our new Food Hub! 10 Sims Ave, In The News July 16, 2020 Resources for Farm Employers & Employees The Rhode Island Department of Labor & Training has a wide variety of programs and services to assist farmers/business owners, employees, and job seekers. In The News, Market Mobile May 8, 2020 Farm Fresh RI to Deliver Help for RI Farmers & Hungry Families On Friday, the RI Congressional delegation announced federal funding that will enable us to build fresh food boxes with produce from local farms and deliver them to the RI Community Food Bank to feed hungry families statewide! We couldn’t be more proud to connect more local eaters with much needed food, while investing federal funds into the local agriculture economy! Market Mobile March 4, 2020 Food Hub Construction Update — February Please steel yourselves for our third and most riveting construction update yet. As you may recall, the November Update detailed our extensive site work, and the December Update reported on the installation of foundations and footings. In this update, we’ll focus on the very successful installation of steel at the Farm Fresh RI Hub. 10 Sims Ave, In The News January 7, 2020 Food Hub Construction Update — December We are very happy to share our second Farm Fresh RI Food Hub Construction Update, which continues on from the successful completion of our initial site work — including the installation of 800 aggregate piers, detailed in our November Update. In this installment, we share with you the foundation work that has been completed. 10 Sims Ave, In The News December 19, 2019 Food Hub Construction Update — November For the last three years, Farm Fresh RI has been hard at work on all the tasks needed to take on a real estate development project — including defining the project, planning and designing the building, performing due diligence, acquiring and remediating the site, and accomplishing a great deal of fundraising. This hard work came together this summer, when we closed on our financing and began construction on the Farm Fresh RI Food Hub at the corner of Sims and Kinsley Ave in the Valley neighborhood of Providence. 10 Sims Ave, In The News First12