The past few weeks have been a flurry of activity for Hope’s Harvest RI – meeting with food pantries, farmers (in their spare time!), and prospective volunteers, tabling at the Armory and Broad Street farmers markets, and even gleaning and delivering about 1,000 lbs. of chard, kale, kohlrabi, fresh, juicy strawberries and more to our new partners – The Jonnycake Center of Westerly, the East Bay Food Pantry in Bristol, and the Olneyville Food Center. Many thanks to Earthcare Farm, Big Train Farm, and Freedom Food Farm for their generous donations. All of this, and we haven’t even officially started our season yet!
It’s finally time to register volunteers to get out into the fields and start harvesting those fruits and veggies. If you’ve been waiting to find out how you can get more involved in Hope’s Harvest RI and can’t wait to dig in the dirt, then sign up now!