Take part in our first photo contest in honor of National Farmers Market Week!
- Shop at your favorite Rhode Island farmers market August 5–11, and post your best image on Instagram.
- Your image must include the hashtag #NationalFarmersMarketWeekRI to be included in the contest.
- Please also tag the market where your photo was taken, and any farmers or producers your image highlights.
- A winner will be chosen at Farm Fresh RI’s discretion from images posted between August 5 and August 11, 2018, with the contest hashtag.
- The winner will receive $50 in Fresh Bucks tokens to spend at Rhode Island farmers markets.
- The winning image will be posted on the Farm Fresh RI Instagram page and featured in our newsletter.
Happy National Farmers Market Week! @FarmFreshRI #NationalFarmersMarketWeekRI #ArmoryMarket #BerriesGalore