Don’t miss these items in local food and agriculture news from around our region:
May 4 — Farm Fresh RI Visits Wildflour in Pawtucket
We are excited to be at Wildflour Vegan Bakery, Juice Bar, and Cafe at 727 East Ave in Pawtucket this Saturday, 10am to 2pm. In the area? Shopping at the nearby farmers market? Come say hello, learn more about Farm Fresh RI and our local sourcing relationship with the good folks at Wildflour, Garden Grille, and the Grange!
Food Solutions New England
Are you involved in some aspect of the New England food system? Are you eager to deepen your participatory leadership skills and expertise?
If you answered “yes” to these questions, consider applying to be part of the next Food Solutions New England (FSNE) Network Leadership Institute! Applications are due by May 15.
The Institute can help you to:
- Increase your understanding of how to participate in the Food Solutions New England network in order to get your own work done more effectively
- Gain valuable skills in facilitative leadership, network leadership and development, and stakeholder engagement
- Deepen your knowledge of our dynamic and emerging food system in New England
- Understand regional strategies for food system transformation like our own New England Food Vision
- Connect with a cohort of existing and evolving food system leaders from across the FSNE network
- Play an active role in creating the conditions for a just, equitable food system across New England
Who can apply? People who meet these four criteria are encouraged to submit an application:
- You are active in food system efforts locally and/or regionally;
- You are committed to FSNE’s values;
- You are eager to contribute to the FSNE network, and
- You live and work in one of the New England states
Applications must be received before midnight on May 15, 2019
May 20 — The Farm Bill for RI Citizens, A Brown Bag Lunch
Have you ever wondered about exactly what is in the Farm Bill, its origins and history, and the battles that will determine the direction of food policy in the coming years? Then join The Rhode Island Food Policy Council at Social Enterprise Greenhouse (10 Davol Square, Providence), 12-1pm, for a discussion of the new book The Farm Bill: A Citizen’s Guide!. Authors Daniel Imhoff and Christina Badaracco translate this nearly 1,000-page document into an easy-to-read 200 pages. Come learn about how farm subsidies, SNAP (formerly known as food stamps), and conservation programs are changing.
Northeast Organic Farming Association
The NOFA Summer Conference is coming up August 10-11 at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA.
Nov 8-10 — It Takes A Region Conference: Call for Proposals!
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG)is looking for sessions that tackle systemic issues with engaging activities and presentations that prioritize the leadership and voices of those most impacted by the issue discussed. Priority will be given to sessions presented by traditionally underrepresented groups that directly address some aspect of inequity in the food system. You will be asked to indicate this representation in the form.
Here are the tracks:
- Racial and Immigrant Justice in the Food System- Stories, presentations, and trainings related to racial injustice and immigration in the food system
- Farm and Food Policy Advocacy- Hear from policy advocates from all corners of the food system
- Urban and Rural Sustainable Agriculture- Urban growers and gardeners, rural farmers, and ag researchers and educators are all presenting under this track.
- Farm to Fork Supply Chains- Production, distribution, processing, preparation – everything that brings food from seed to plate.
- Youth Leaders (13-18)- Teenagers from around the Northeast sharing stories, skills, and community. Sessions closed to only Youth are indicated in session description.