Don’t miss these items in local food and agriculture news from around our region:
It Takes a Region Conference: Providence, RI
Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG)
Save the date for the next It Takes a Region Conference in Providence, RI — November 19-21, 2020! Want to get involved? Join the NESAWG 2020 Conference Planning Committee!
NESAWG Conference Planning Committee assists with:
- Recruitment for Call for Proposals and conference attendees
- Shaping the program: Reviewing sessions, input into plenaries
- Helping to plan pre-conferences, caucuses and other programming
- Connect us to local vendors (photography, childcare, growers, food producers) and sponsors
All Conference Planning Committee members get a free conference registration and their picture and bio on the NESAWG website. Applications are due January 24, 2020. (Applicants will be notified of their selection by early February.).
Baskets to Pallets: Wholesale Readiness Workshop
February 25, 9am-4pm — Free, but space is limited!
Are you in search of new markets? Have you considered wholesale channels like colleges, hospitals, schools, food hubs, grocery stores, and cooperatives? The demand for local food continues to grow. Is your farm or food business ready for the opportunities? Ensure your success by attending “Baskets to Pallets” — a comprehensive one-day introduction to selling wholesale.
Course Track:
- Understanding Consumer Demand for Local
- Choosing & Evaluating Market Channels
- Building Relationships with Buyers
- “Voices of Experience” Food Buyer Panel
- “Voices of Experience” Food Supplier Panel
This workshop is free for the entire training. It includes breakfast refreshments and a delicious locally sourced lunch. Bringing two representatives from your farm or food business is recommended, if possible.REGISTER NOW
Space is limited to 40 participants!
2020 Opportunities for Organic Research Funding Now Available
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC)
USDA released two FY 2020 Request for Applications with $20 million available for OREI and $5.8 million available for ORG to support organic research. The programs provide long-term research for organic systems that enable the development of new tools and practices that can help organic farmers be more competitive in a changing global market. Organizations interested in applying for OREI grant funding must submit an application by January 30, 2020, those interested in applying for ORG grant funding must submit an application by February 27, 2020.