Incoming! Apples Galore! Did you know that the apple is the official state fruit of Rhode Island? Luckily, this week we got 15 bushels of b-grade apples (meaning they may be a little less pretty than what you’d see at the market) from Steere Orchard in Greenville, RI — to make all of this super pretty stuff with!
Our signature products include apple-icious items like Strawberry, Cranberry, and Original Applesauce as well as irresistible Apple Chips (just try to eat only one)!
Visit our local foods Café + Corner Store Monday through Friday, 7:00am to 5:00pm and Saturdays 9:00am to 3:00pm on the corner of Main St and Bayley St (2 Bayley St) in downtown Pawtucket. Or visit our stand at the Pawtucket Wintertime Farmers Market every Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm through April 28th! (Find us in the farmers market at the front of the Green Hallway, using the 1005 Main St entrance.)