Much thanks to the Downtown Providence Parks Conservancy for recently featuring our summertime Nutrition Education program for families on their blog — and for sponsoring this season’s program at the Downtown Providence Farmers Market through a Southwest Heart of the Community grant!
“Healthy Foods, Healthy Families” At Burnside Park
Often times, we limit ourselves to certain vendors and suppliers due to a lack of time, money, or maybe even knowledge. However, this doesn’t have to be the case when it comes to the places where we acquire our food.Rhode Island is the smallest state, yet is also home to New England’s largest indoor farmers market, as well as another 35+ farmers markets. These markets operate primarily in areas with limited access to fresh food—namely urban areas and other food deserts—and play an important role in increasing the availability and accessibility of local produce by connecting eaters with a reliable source for nutritious, locally sourced options…READ FULL ARTICLE
Blog post written by Gia Rivas, as part of Mayor Elorza’s Advanced Internship Pilot